It's been awhile since we've given a good ole update about lil Mackenna!!! She'll be 4 months this coming Saturday; we cannot believe how fast this is all going!!!!!! She's made some pretty big strides as of late:
* Laughing
* Coo-ing or as we like to consider it, talking :)
* She's found her hands and stares at them like they are aliens
* Chews on EVERYTHING, but mostly her hands
* Smiling
* Kicking and turning her hips - we know she's about to flip soon!
* Her head control is about there and she's almost ready to hold it on her own with zero help
* Trying rice cereal!!!!
* Sleeping 7-9 hours a night - YAHOO!!!!
* Grabbing for things
We're sure we're missing a few, but these are the ones that are very apparent these days!!!!
We had to take her to the doctor on Friday as we had a feeling she was coming down with something and wanted to get her in before the weekend...She got to meet her new pediatrician, Dr. Jones, and she loved him (so did mommy and daddy...thank you for the recommendation Grandma and Grandpa Harrison!). He was so kind and gentle and explained everything that was going on. Turns out, she had an on-set of her 1st ear infection, so she's been on antibiotic and will be for 10 days. She's taking it pretty well...Nate would prefer it was his medicine as it's bubblegum flavor and remembers how much he loved that stuff :) She weighed 12 lbs 14 oz and is in the 40th percentile still, but growing and that's all that matters! She got the go ahead while we were there to eat rice cereal for the first time (check out the pics) and did pretty well; things are about to get MESSY!!!!!!
She has her 4 month wellness check and shots on Monday the 18th, so we're anxious to find out all the other milestones she's hit and all that she's about to endure!
Nate, Kara, Mackenna and Wrigley