Tuesday, May 24, 2011

11 months!

Kenna is 11 months; and we are still looking all around for the time; not sure where it has gone and in shock that we're starting to plan her 1st birthday already!

Lots has been going on these days; here are a few highlights:

* she is officially saying 'Da Da' and 'Mama' along with so many other sounds - we can just tell she's trying to tell us so many things!
* baby food is almost a thing of the past as she would much rather eat big girl food!
* she seems to no longer be interested in her pacifiers which is awesome since we don't have to worry about taking them away from her now!
* she's holding her sippy cup and drinking on her own (and has learned she needs to tip her head and the cup back to get the juice/milk out of it)
* along with the sippy cup, she's very independent with her bottle now and almost always feeds herself now when it comes to the bottle
* no more waking up habitually between 3 and 4:30am every morning - she is OFFICIALLY sleeping from 7:30 - 6am, HOORAY!
* she's beginning to balance on her own and stand for a few seconds before "gracefully" falling to the floor
* she is a speed crawler and getting SO close to taking that first step
* she is way more vocal these days with the help of daycare and all the kids she gets to be with everyday.
* she is exploring like crazy and getting into EVERYTHING (the TP is her new thing!)and she loves to eat random pieces of carpet (if you've ever gotten new carpet, you know what we're talking about)

It's been so fun, as it always is! We are more in love with her everyday and continue to feel so blessed and lucky to have Mackenna to call our baby girl! Til next time...


Baby Blues

We were having some fun with the camera the other day and got some pretty awesome pics of her baby blues!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Our New HOME!

Thought we'd share a few pics of our new home!!!! We are SO HAPPY!

Tiny Dancer...

Along with the new house and new favorite spot in front of the mirror closet, Kenna has also found her new favorite way to watch TV! It's so darn cute as she holds on to the stand and then bounces aka dances; turns to make sure you're looking and then continues about her dance/business. It's so stinking cute!!!

Mirror Baby

As the move to our new home is finally settling down, Mackenna has certainly found her new favorite spot!!!!!

She first crawled by the mirrored closet, was a bit surprised at what she saw and has since fallen in love with it! She is fascinated by herself and stares, smiles, poses, etc etc etc...I snapped this picture the other day and had to share with everyone!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Swinging in the Sunshine

What a great day we finally had full of sunshine and 60 degree temps! I stayed home with Kenna as she has another minor ear infection and a small eye infection and thought it would be great to go for a walk, get some fresh air and take a ride on the swings!

Hopefully spring is FINALLY here to stay!