Oh my goodness, it has been TOO long since I updated the blog...my apologies! We've had some crazy days over the last month or so, with the biggest distractor being the decision to build our new home!!! EEK, we're so excited! Mackenna has been excited too and is looking forward to getting her new big girl room and a playroom all to herself! There are days she even asks if we can go see the house, so it's fun that she's invested, even if she doesn't understand what she's asking :)
We are fully into the Christmas spirit at the Schlieman household. Tree is up, lights are on and Mackenna's elf, who she named Conky, is here and watching her every move to report back to the big man! Speaking of the big man, Grandma Harrison is taking us to have breakfast with Santa this coming weekend, Kenna seems to be very excited and can't wait to tell him she wants a pink kitchen!
Our gifts are almost all purchased and many are already wrapped and under the tree and believe it or not, our Christmas cards are already floating around making their way to our friends and families' homes!
Aside from the Christmas festivities and the home building process; Mackenna is changing DAILY! I feel like I probably always say that, but seriously, my lil girl is not so lil anymore!!! She's becoming SO articulate and poised in her conversations. One of my favorites is when you ask her a question and she responds with either, "Sure!" or "I sure do!" - it's very sweet and so grown up of her! I think my most favorite part of her age right now is that we can have a full on conversation with her and actually understand most, if not all! She is very animated and just a little diva (in mostly good ways most of the time!). She is fully vested in her princess obsession and Nate and I can't wait for all the fun goodies come Christmas time; from what we have gotten her and from what we've heard, it's going to be a Princess-packed year...that is if she's good :)
I can't believe my lil lady will be 2 and a half this month - seriously, where on Earth does the time go? We have so much to be thankful for this year and even more to look forward to in the New Year! We wish all of you a blessed holiday season and a wonderful New Year!
I just love this sweet face so much!!!!!!!! |
Couldn't resist in sharing this pic! She got some new princess pull ups and is so proud of herself, she dropped her drawers to show me and made sure I took her picture to show daddy too! Now if she could just get the concept of the potty down! It's coming...I just know it! |