Friday, February 22, 2013

"Coffee like Mommy"

Once again, MN got hit with a winter storm over night. With Nate out of town, I knew I needed to be smart, so I sadly set my alarm for 5am to make sure Mackenna and I were out the door by 6:30!! And I'm happy to report we WERE out the door by 6:30 (well 6:32) hehe!

Thankfully traffic wasn't horrible, but being we left so early, I think it's safe to say we beat all the morning crazies! Being Pati doesn't open her doors til 7:30, Kenna and I made a pit stop at Starbucks on the way. She got her first "coffee" like mommy and it was a HUGE hit. Thank you pinterest for letting me learn about all the fun drinks you can get your kids at Starbucks! I got her a 'vanilla steamer' which is warmed skim milk with a touch of vanilla syrup and let me just say she LOVED IT!  Not to mention she thought she was drinking coffee like mommy, so I think that made her love it even more!

What a fun lil morning date with my girl!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Daycare Fun!

Just wanted to post a couple cute pics from Pati's house this week!  When Mackenna is able to join in on the Mother Goose activities, she has a great time and I know when she's fully "enrolled" next fall, she'll be an awesome lil addition!

Cutest lil doctors around!

They made their very own growth charts and Mackenna's face shows EVERY bit of excitment she has :) I hope she never loses her ability to entertain through her faces and animated personality!!!! 

Bowling with the Big Kids

I had a work function for the onboarding class I facilitate last night at the bowling alley and without being able to get a sitter, we had a very cute lil visitor along for the ride! She of course as usual, stole the show!

My group was so sweet and let Mackenna join their game!!!  She LOVED it and entertained for 10 straight frames jumping up and down, yelling, "Go Go Mommy!" when it was my turn and carrying her own 6lb ball to bowl :)

So serious about her game!

She absolutely had to haver "her" lime green ball each time and loved to wait for it :)

We got to eat dinner with the big kids too and she was quite the flirt at the table :) We also headed to the arcade to play some games and Mackenna hit the jackpot of 1400 tickets!!!!!  NO LIE!!!  We not only had a great time, but walked away with some fun "junk"...I mean toys!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Different Kind of Valentine's Day!

Earlier this week I got a surprise from Nate asking me to be his Valentine with 2 tickets to the Wild game!  Rather than the standard romantic dinner for 2, we both thought this would be something out of the ordinary, fun and relaxed. And the best part...we brought our favorite little Valentine along with us!

Daddy got us club level seats! We enjoyed a lil bite to eat before the game started! Kenna LOVED seeing the "trucks" cleaning the ice!

Taking it all in!!!  So fun to go to her 1st hockey game :)

Love her pigtails!

WILD SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!  She got scared at first, but then LOVED cheering along with Daddy!

Mommy and her favorite lil valentine!

One more thing we can cross of the books as a 1st for our little peanut...a GREAT Valentine's day with my 2 favorite people!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Lately Mackenna has been showing many qualities of an almost 3 year old and while they have been awesome, I'd be lying if I said some haven't been challenging! EEK!

Here are a few things that she has started to take on her own, help with, or try and help with :)

* Brushing her teeth
It's always been a constant battle for me to brush her teeth, but she's finally on board with me doing it first and then I put another drop of her toothpaste on her brush for her and she does it herself. Hey, whatever works right?

* Climbing in and out of chairs
She not only gets in and out of her chair each time she's eating (she still has a booster we use since we have high chairs at our table and counter), but she's also getting herself into her carseat and I have a feeling in no time, she'll be locking herself in on her own too.

* Dressing and undressing
(I can probably add picking out her clothes too!)
She loves to help get herself ready each morning and night and has become a pro with shoes. It's been fun too because she's starting to know the feeling when she has her shoes on opposite feet and she fixes it on her own.

* Playing on her own
This one might sound weird, but when she gets up in the morning or when we're doing things around the house, she is finally at an age where she can play by herself and keep herself busy. She is very much into puzzles and coloring and that has been a nice change for us, especially when Daddy is traveling and mommy needs to get some things done!

* Coloring in the lines and drawing shapes
It's been amazing to pick her up each day from daycare and get her papers from the day. She's gone from scribbles to getting very close to staying in the lines and as of late she LOVES drawing circles.  She's been showing us how she can make a heart with her hands too and she's just taken an interest to shapes in general and is getting good at recognizing them all. HARRELL'S HUNNIES is such a blessing for so many reasons!

* Singing, dancing, entertaing...
We all know she's an entertainer like her mama, but just recently she's picking up on songs from the radio and sing them word for word :) it makes your day, I can tell you that much! She LOVES to sing and dance. Maybe some day, I'll be pulling up this blog entry when she makes it big like every other parent you hear saying, "She's been singing since she was 2!"  :)

* Cleaning herself up
She has gotten very good at washing her hands and using her stool in the bathroom, but also just getting a wipe and really giving her hands a good cleaning! I love that she loves to have clean hands :)

I know I'm forgetting something, but these are the things that stick out to me...we're still working on potty training, but she's just not that interested yet, so we're crossing our fingers it will click soon! 

Not a baby anymore...

It's lil lady isn't not so little anymore!!!!!! :(

Mackenna has always loved her crib and being that she's over 2.5 years old and still loves her crib, Nate and I decided we would try and keep her in it until we move. At that point,w e thought moving into the big girl bed would be an even bigger deal when we are in the new house and she see her new room!

Well in the last week or so, she's gotten her leg stuck through the crib rungs and then Jessica let me know that she's beginning to try and get in and out of her crib at daycare too. Well being that Nate and I were kinda of dumb and didn't pick out a crib that transitioned through the stages of your child, so we decided to be creative and thankfully Nate had those juices flowing to figure this one out so we didn't have to go buy a lame toddler bed in this short transition time!

I can't really explain what he did, but it works and she LOVES IT!!!!!!!  It's so close to the ground that the 2 times she's "rolled" out, it gave her a teeny scare, but nothing to derail her from being in her new bed. We are actually thankful this was a forceful change as now we are confident she'll get used to the new big girl feel and once we move and she gets her REAL big girl bed it will be just a fun thing for her, rather than a completely new thing!

She loves the fact that she can get out of her room on her own now and for the first couple days she was whipping open our door at 5am and it was making for LONG days for all of us. Well I got my creative juices flowing for this oen and decided to cover up the last 2 numbers on her digital princess clock so she can only see the first number. We told her that she can get out of her room at 6 and she has been doing just that...sometimes even 7!!!!!!  She is so proud of herself and I think that's the best part. She's not only a big girl in her bed, but now she feels like a big girl with more responsibilities on her own :) Bittersweet moment for mama, that's for sure!

Is it summer yet?!?!?

In the midst of getting ourselves together to move to our new home in 51 days (no I'm not counting or anything), our landlord of our current home has also put her house up for sale, so we're living showing to showing and trying to stay as clean as possible to help her out!  So far it's been manageable and last night because of a showing (that ended up getting cancelled), we had some fun with Grandma Sheryl!

We met her for dinner at Cane's and then had a hay day at Target. Grandma bought Kenna a Valentine and crazy enough as it might sound, she wanted a Cinderella princess swimsuit!

For the past week or so, all Kenna talks about is going swimming in Grandma's pool (Grandma Harrison). We don't know where she got that idea or why she is so into it, but hey, it is what it is! She knows she can't go swimming until all the snow is gone and each morning heading to Pati's, I get to hear the reason on why she can't go swimming yet :)

As usual, when she gets anything princess that she can wear, she has to put it on right away...

I'll have to post the video, but during this moment she was posing (look at that toe pop!!!!) and showing off her heel, toe, shuffle step moves :)

And then of course, she wanted to sleep in it, but I wasn't a horrible mommy...I made her wear her fleece Minnie pants and some socks too!  I should have taken a full body of that look because she choose Santa socks. Let me tell you, it was QUITE THE LOOK!!!!

I could watch her sleep all the time...such a precious sight to see :)

My lil Shopper

During the snow storm on Sunday, Kenna and I decided to have a little girl time and venture out while Daddy was at baseball and headed to DSW to get mommy some new shoes. I had so much fun with her and if we didn't already know as obvious as it is, this girl is a GIRLY GIRL!!!!  She loves to shop and apparently now she loves to try on shoes. She put on so many and walked around looking in the mirrors and asking me if I liked her shoes :) I will say however, she has an "interesting" taste in foot wear :)

And I quote, "Mommy, wook at me sparkly shoes!"

Why wouldn't you pick out leopard print heels?!?! :)

Baseball Time!

Kenna and I headed to the Dome 2 weekends ago to watch her Daddy in coaching action! It was pretty dead in there, so that allowed Kenna to run around through the stands and have some fun with the echo! She even started chanting, "GO VIKINGS!" (Bikings is how she says it!) and it made those that were in there laugh and smile - such an entertainer!


MVC in the making?!?!?!?

Peaking for Daddy

Not quite sure what this face or excitment was for, but her faces and animation are just awesome!

My sweet girl!