Lately Mackenna has been showing many qualities of an almost 3 year old and while they have been awesome, I'd be lying if I said some haven't been challenging! EEK!
Here are a few things that she has started to take on her own, help with, or try and help with :)
* Brushing her teeth
It's always been a constant battle for me to brush her teeth, but she's finally on board with me doing it first and then I put another drop of her toothpaste on her brush for her and she does it herself. Hey, whatever works right?
* Climbing in and out of chairs
She not only gets in and out of her chair each time she's eating (she still has a booster we use since we have high chairs at our table and counter), but she's also getting herself into her carseat and I have a feeling in no time, she'll be locking herself in on her own too.
* Dressing and undressing
(I can probably add picking out her clothes too!)
She loves to help get herself ready each morning and night and has become a pro with shoes. It's been fun too because she's starting to know the feeling when she has her shoes on opposite feet and she fixes it on her own.
* Playing on her own
This one might sound weird, but when she gets up in the morning or when we're doing things around the house, she is finally at an age where she can play by herself and keep herself busy. She is very much into puzzles and coloring and that has been a nice change for us, especially when Daddy is traveling and mommy needs to get some things done!
* Coloring in the lines and drawing shapes
It's been amazing to pick her up each day from daycare and get her papers from the day. She's gone from scribbles to getting very close to staying in the lines and as of late she LOVES drawing circles. She's been showing us how she can make a heart with her hands too and she's just taken an interest to shapes in general and is getting good at recognizing them all. HARRELL'S HUNNIES is such a blessing for so many reasons!
* Singing, dancing, entertaing...
We all know she's an entertainer like her mama, but just recently she's picking up on songs from the radio and sing them word for word :) it makes your day, I can tell you that much! She LOVES to sing and dance. Maybe some day, I'll be pulling up this blog entry when she makes it big like every other parent you hear saying, "She's been singing since she was 2!" :)
* Cleaning herself up
She has gotten very good at washing her hands and using her stool in the bathroom, but also just getting a wipe and really giving her hands a good cleaning! I love that she loves to have clean hands :)
I know I'm forgetting something, but these are the things that stick out to me...we're still working on potty training, but she's just not that interested yet, so we're crossing our fingers it will click soon!