So with Nate in NM this weekend for baseball, I decided to go shopping! I didn't want to go overboard of course, but the historical square in our town has the cutest boutiques with so many one of a kind baby clothes, so of course when I saw these few things, I couldn't resist!!!!!!!! SO ADORABLE...Tomorrow, we are starting our registry!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nate and I had our sonogram this morning and our little girl is doing WONDERFULLY! We got to see so much; all 4 chambers of her heart, her kidneys, a little foot, her arm resting by her head, spine, and of course her girl parts :) The crunch berries I ate this morning were making her move around like crazy, but they got some great pics as you can see; the spine picture is so cool!!! She's measuring great and growing right on schedule. We are 19 weeks and 5 days today, Saturday will be 20 weeks, WOW, we can't believe it!
(Picture 1 - Face, Picture 2 - Her Little Girl Parts, Picture 3 - Spine, Picture 4 - Her foot, Picture 5 - Profile)
Mama is doing pretty good; I've gained 8lbs total so far. They did find a little blood in my urine again, so to be safe, they are sending me tomorrow to have a sonogram on my kidneys to see if I have a stone or 2 in can have anywhere from a +1 to +4 for a urine score with blood and I was barely at a +1, so our doctor isn't at all worried, but of course if there are stones, they have to watch me closely as any passing of the stone(s) could cause pre-term labor. We love our doctor and trust her completely, so we're not worrying about this as she told us not to. We of course will update as we know more tomorrow.
We are so happy for our news!!!!! Now we can start shopping, planning my trip home for showers and most importantly, start referring to our little munchkin as a SHE or as Daddy is already calling her, our Little Princess :) What a great day!
Nate and Kara
Nate and Kara
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What a couple days...
Well Mama Schlieman hasn't had the best couple days this week, but thankfully all is well now and I'm back to my normal self...
Monday I was at work and long story short, left early because I was experiencing some strange cramping. It got so bad about halfway home, that Nate suggested I go to the doctor as we were both concerned that maybe something was going on with the baby. By the time I got to the doc, the pain I was experiencing was so bad, they were able to diagnose me with a bladder first one mind you and man the pain is undescribable, nothing I have ever felt before!!!!! My doc put me on 1 pain pill and 2 medications and yesterday I was pretty much a new woman, but stayed home to monitor myself and make sure I was ok. I'm on the one pill for a week or 2, but the other one is done already and I'm not taking pain pills of course, when I don't need them.
I'm happy to announce I feel like my old self again and baby is doing well. They let me hear the baby's HB when I was at the doc to make my heart rest since I was still nervous and he or she was beating away at 142BPM!
The last couple days gave Nate and I a huge scare, but in the end everything is ok...I just hope I never have to experience that again...EVER!
Check in again soon!
2 more weeks til we find out!!!!
Monday I was at work and long story short, left early because I was experiencing some strange cramping. It got so bad about halfway home, that Nate suggested I go to the doctor as we were both concerned that maybe something was going on with the baby. By the time I got to the doc, the pain I was experiencing was so bad, they were able to diagnose me with a bladder first one mind you and man the pain is undescribable, nothing I have ever felt before!!!!! My doc put me on 1 pain pill and 2 medications and yesterday I was pretty much a new woman, but stayed home to monitor myself and make sure I was ok. I'm on the one pill for a week or 2, but the other one is done already and I'm not taking pain pills of course, when I don't need them.
I'm happy to announce I feel like my old self again and baby is doing well. They let me hear the baby's HB when I was at the doc to make my heart rest since I was still nervous and he or she was beating away at 142BPM!
The last couple days gave Nate and I a huge scare, but in the end everything is ok...I just hope I never have to experience that again...EVER!
Check in again soon!
2 more weeks til we find out!!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
What a Relief!
So last week when we were at the doc and had my blood drawn for the Quad Screening, we were told that we would only receive a call if something came back wrong or that warranted a call...of course we were a little nervous, but knew there was nothing we could do but pray and think good thoughts that nothing was genetically wrong with our little one. Well, I get a message on my phone from the doctor's office while I was on my break from work this afternoon and I only heard the intro of the message before my heart sank because I assumed the worst of course (since the nurse called), but turned out she was only calling to let me know all came back normal and they would see us on the 25th for the ultrasound...I was relieved but wanted to call back to tell her she almost gave me a heart attack :) We couldn't be more relieved and feel so good knowing Baby Schlieman is doing well and growing like a weed in there...
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