Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What a couple days...

Well Mama Schlieman hasn't had the best couple days this week, but thankfully all is well now and I'm back to my normal self...

Monday I was at work and long story short, left early because I was experiencing some strange cramping. It got so bad about halfway home, that Nate suggested I go to the doctor as we were both concerned that maybe something was going on with the baby. By the time I got to the doc, the pain I was experiencing was so bad, they were able to diagnose me with a bladder first one mind you and man the pain is undescribable, nothing I have ever felt before!!!!! My doc put me on 1 pain pill and 2 medications and yesterday I was pretty much a new woman, but stayed home to monitor myself and make sure I was ok. I'm on the one pill for a week or 2, but the other one is done already and I'm not taking pain pills of course, when I don't need them.

I'm happy to announce I feel like my old self again and baby is doing well. They let me hear the baby's HB when I was at the doc to make my heart rest since I was still nervous and he or she was beating away at 142BPM!

The last couple days gave Nate and I a huge scare, but in the end everything is ok...I just hope I never have to experience that again...EVER!

Check in again soon!

2 more weeks til we find out!!!!

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