It's been awhile since we last posted on here, but our lives have been a little crazy! With my new job and getting settled into that, the crazy car accident that I was involved in, in the beginning of JAN (Yes, I'm ok and no, Kenna wasn't with me) and most recently, moving into our own place, you can imagine how crazy we have been these days!!!!!
We moved into our place this past weekend and are almost done with all the unpacking and organizing! With all the moving Nate and I have done, you'd think we'd be pro's by now, BUT that's not the case just yet and it's crazy how much harder it is with a little peanut in tow :) We are so happy that for the first time since our little munchkin was brought into this world, we FINALLY have her room for her!!!!! Nate thinks I went into my 'nesting' phase while I was painting since I really didn't get to have that moment while I was pregnant :) I think he was right!!! It turned out awesome; we included a few pics for you all to see! It's definitely PINKALISCIOUS!!!!!
We are settling nicely and really enjoying being in our own space again. It sure is amazing what little things we tend to take for granted. We have learned so much as a family what sticking together truly means and I can say I am one lucky lady for having such a great little family; it's so easy to give up and run away, but we have stuck through and hung on and through everything are continuing to become stronger and more loving towards life and everything we have!
We hope everyone's New Year has started off on the right path and we hope to see you all soon!
Lots of love from the Schlieman's xoxoxo