We can't believe how fast time is going!!!! Kenna is already 7 months and so much is changing! She absolutely loves her PUFFS these days; we can't seem to feed them to her fast enough; those along with her yogurt she devours as well :) She is sitting up for LONG periods of time now and really starting to grasp her surroundings and everything around her. She's getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth; but no crawling quite yet; but we think that will come soon!!!! And the biggest change is her activity in her exer-saucer that Grandma and Grandpa Harrison got her awhile back; rather than just sit and stare at things, she is now running around that thing in circles; Nate made a great video I might have to post on here for all to see what we're talking about. It's pretty fun and she just loves it! There is so much more, but those are the big things that have stuck out to us.
We can't believe how big our little girl is getting and are enjoying each and every moment of this amazing thing called parenthood!
Kara and Nate
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