Mackenna and I headed to her 9 month well check this afternoon, minus Daddy :( as he started his first day of work. ALL is looking PERFECT with the little lady! Here are some highlights:
* She weighs an even 20 lbs (75%)
* She is 28 and 5/8 inches long (75%)
* Her head is 17 and 7/8 inches around (75%)
So good news is that she is growing right on target for her chart!! She still has a little heart murmur, but Dr. Jones assured us he didn't think it was anything to worry about; however if he hears it again at her 1 year check up, we'll most like get an ultrasound done to look a little further, but for now, nothing to worry about. She only had 1 shot today, so thankfully that was ok to handle for me all by myself, but I'll tell ya what; that never gets easier!!! UGH!
Dr. Jones is very happy to see how Kenna is doing; he gave us the green light to introduce solids slowly but surely (scary!!!) and I am in continued shock at how big my little girl is these days and today proved just that! We feel so thankful to have such a healthy and happy baby girl!