Kenna is 9 months old!!!!!!
So much has happened over the course of a month:
* BIG MILESTONE - VERY mobile these days with crawling and rolling EVERYWHERE (MARCH 15, 2011 was the official BIG day!)
* Feeding herself with her bottle (lately she won't take her bottle unless she's holding it!)
* So many new sounds she's making (most noticeable with the 'GA' sound)
* She's learning how to kiss (SO CUTE we might add!)
* Standing on her own for longer periods of time
* Holding our hands and walking!!!!
We can't believe that our little girl isn't so little anymore; we should have titled this entry, 'Miss Independent' as that's actually what she is. As always, we can't wait to see what's in store over the next several weeks and months!
Aside from all of Kenna's big changes, we have had some changes ourselves. My job as a corporate trainer/facilitator is going really well and with my new hours (7:30/8am to 4pm) life as a working mama has become just a little easier with more time to be at home. Nate is now a working papa too! Temporarily, he'll be working at CH Robinson in the evening and on most weekends....I am blessed to work for a great company that has 24/7 shifts and was fortunate enough to help Nate get something while his search continues for bigger and better things. It will be a tough transition; as we'll both be acting as single parents for awhile, but we're ready for the challenge and know it will only bring our little family closer and so much stronger in the end!
I've always said things happen for a reason and this is one little stepping stone to our future that is only going to get brighter with each passing day...
Lots of love.
Kara, Nate and Mackenna
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