Been way too long (kinda ironic since my last post was titled been awhile and was almost 3 months ago)!

Kenna is 16 months now and doing so well!!!!! She is just becoming a little lady and it's been so fun to see her these last couple months with her awesome personality! She's saying so much, here are a few:
* "What's that?
* "Minnie!"
* "More!"
* "Thank You!" Sounds like KU, but it's her way of saying thank you :)
She plays on her own, is enjoying discovering EVERYTHING and has even enlightened us to the world of tantrums (Not in public yet thankfully!). She is totally into feeding herself and prefers it and absolutely loves to be outside!
At her 15 month check up she weighed 23lbs! Growing steadily, just the way we like it!!!!! Dr. Jones was so impressed with her development and her words, etc. She has LOTS of teeth too! All her molars are in and she's working on her "K9"s as we speak (I think those might be the worst yet, but we're almost there!!!!!
Life is perfect! Can't believe we're getting into the holiday season with Halloween right around the corner! We have a family day planned at the Pumpkin Patch this weekend, so I'll be sure to update again at that time!
Til Then...
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