Nate and I had the day off, so after our 'Date Day' we got her picked up and headed to Grandpa Mack's office to do a little trick-or-treating and start the night out! It was a riot to watch her - she figured out very quickly that if she went to each office, she would get candy and if she didn't, she would say "Bye!" in her sweet little voice and move on to the next!
Then it was off to Grammie and Grampie Harrison's house! When we got there, Kenna had a treat bag with lots of goodies for her! An adorable little outfit from grammie's favorite place Gymboree, some animal crackers and a few other little things. Great Grandma had even left some goodies for her as well!
Before we headed out, we took our traditional Halloween pic on the front step and Mackenna checked out the new friend grammie had out for display as well :)
Then it was time to do some actual first time trick-or-treating over at the Havron's house! We were able to go to about 5 or 6 houses and she seemed to have a good time. Hesitant at a few houses, but then after watching her cousins, she seemed to get a bit more confidence!
We had such a fun, eventful day! We were all exhausted by the time we got home, but it was full of many memories and fun "firsts" for all of us!
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