I can't believe Kenna is going to be 19 months on Monday!!!! As I always seem to be asking, where is the time going?!?! This morning when I dropped her off for daycare, she turned, gave me a big hug and then headed into the kitchen all on her own (maybe doesn't sound like a big deal, but for me, it was) she's just growing up so fast!!! It was pretty darn cute to watch :) She's been doing lots of new things these days - aside from perfecting her dance moves, she's talking a lot more and seems to be trying to have full conversations, even though you can't understand most of it. She's absolutely in love with Wrigley (dee dee) and Wrigley is becoming fond of her too. She is very conscious of babies!!! She loves to say 'baby' and sometimes she will call an older kid 'baby', so we think she just likes to say it :) She is quite the grazer these days and loves to hang out in front of the pantry and pick out exactly what she wants to eat :)

She's been trying to eat with her fork and spoon, but we kind of have a messy eater as is, so adding the utensils has been a tad interesting to say the least; but we're trying!

Her 18 month well check went well too! They did another x-ray on her tummy to see how things were moving in there and thankfully it looked better, but we still have a ways to go to get her digestive system and colon back where it should be! She was just over 24lbs (55%) and growing tall at over 32 inches(80%)! We couldn't be more proud of her and are taking each day at a time and enjoying everything to its absolute fullest!