Happy New Year! We made it through Christmas and it was so much fun! Even though there was no snow on the ground and we didn't feel like it was really Christmas, the genuine excitement we got from Mackenna with her gifts and all the fun things around her, was good enough!! Although she loved to rip the paper and open the boxes, we think she genuinely understood the concept and after her 4th gift opening with family, she was totally into it :) It was so fun to wake up Christmas morning and have her see what Santa brought - her giant 4ft Minnie - to date, she makes sure Minnie is covered up with her own blanket (she sits in her Mackenna chair in the corner of her room by her bed) and she kisses her good night, sometimes she'll even have me read her a story while she is sitting in Minnie's lap!! SO CUTE! Nate and I enjoyed the LONG time off from work we had and really got used to being at home with her again and I hope some day, I can be at home with her and maybe more babies too ;)

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