Well with Spring right around the corner, I thought I'd do a quick update on a few fun and exciting things in the world of Mackenna!
I swear everyday, something is new with her! Words are forming like crazy, she talks, in Japanese tongue :), from the minute she wakes up until she goes to bed and she's picking things up left and right! Here are some new words in her little vocabulary:
* Weeeeeee
* Cool (coo)
* Snow (no - but in a different tone than NO!)
* One (nine is how she says it, but she holds her finger up while she tells you how old she is!)
* Kitty (she says neow - not meow, but neow when you ask her to say kitty)
* Puppy
* Balloon (ba)
* Cookie
* Cupcake
Pati has been saying for the last week that after nap time especially, she is quite the little talker.
She is also in what we're all calling the "testing phase"! She is becoming such an independent little lady that her temper is starting to really come out and we're learning how to handle and not give in (way harder than it might seem, at least for me). I find it so easy to want to give in, so I've really been working on that these days. Daddy, well he's just a natural :)
She's still a little peanut, but we won't get official measurements until her 2 year check up in a couple months! 2 year check up - did I really just type that?!?! WOW, in just a few short months, she'll be 2!!!!! Crazy!!! And yes, that being said, of course I'm already starting to plan her party - you know me and birthdays!
That's all for now folks!
PS - thought I'd attach this cute picture while I'm at it! I caught her feeding her new baby she got from Grandpa Mack with her baby bottle - big sister in the making ;)