We had a good weekend, but it kinda took a turn for the worst on Saturday afternoon! We started out great! We went to Abby and Emily's birthday party and Kenna had a great couple hours, playing in the playroom, trying out the trampoline for the first time and running around with all the kiddos. I did ask Grandma Sheryl at one point if she thought she felt warm, but we both chalked it up to playing and running around.
Before we left for naptime, we had to have cake, so we patiently waited....
and then it was time to dig in!
She feel asleep on the way home...understandably! And then it was down in her crib for her official nap time.
That's basically where things went south. She didn't sleep very long or comfortably for that matter and when she got up, she was burning up. I took her temp and she was 103.4!!!!!!!! Nate was at baseball and I was kinda scared, so I took her right into Urgent Care. It was a LONG wait and Mackenna was such a big girl to hang in as long as she did. The whole waiting room fell in love with her (how could you not, wink wink) and about 45 minutes in, she was so miserable she started to fuss, whine and cry. There was a nice woman who just felt so bad that she went to the nurse and said, "Can you please get that sweet girl in to see the doctor!" and sure enough, we were next. Her ears were clear, HOORAY, but turns out she has strep :( The doc said it showed up on her culture almost immediately! She was so exhausted, while we were waiting for the results, she finally fell asleep peacefully in my arms.
They gave her some Tylenol and an hour later, our little girl was back!!!!
She's been on meds now for 48 hours, but we still kept her at home with Daddy today just to be sure and be fair to the other kids at daycare.
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