Here are a few new words to add to her vocab:
- Bubbies (Bubbles or could also mean Bubble Guppies, one of her favorite shows!)
- Choo Choo
- Nana (banana not Grandma)
- MOM (this is what she calls both her Grandmas)
- PaPa (this is what she calls both her Grandpas)
As I said in a previous post, she absolutely has fallen in love with airplanes and every time she hears one, she stops whatever she is doing and says, "WHAT'S THAT!!!" and gets extremely excited :) Because Nate is traveling these days, I think her love for planes is even stronger.
She prefers NickJR to Disney these days with The Fresh Beat Band and The Bubble Guppies, but we still watch Disney here and there and of course Sesame Street and our friend Elmo.
She is very much into Wrigley these days and Wrigley is learning to love Mackenna, especially when she throws the ball. We've moved Wrigley's food and water upstairs now so Mackenna loves to make sure Wrigley is eating and even this morning, I let her pour her food in her dish and she thought that was pretty cool!
Things are going very well at Pati's and her personality is shining. She has her best friend Rebecca who she embraces on a daily basis in bigger hugs than she gives me or Nate :)
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