Dear Mackenna,
Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Girl! Mommy can't believe you are really 3!!!! WOW! I think I say it almost daily, but where does the time go??? So much has happened over the year and mommy is so very proud of the little girl you have grown into. And can you believe it? You're POTTY TRAINED!!!!!! Mommy and Daddy promised that if by your 3rd birthday you were potty trained, that we would take you to get your ears pierced and sure enough, YOU WERE!!!!! What a great day your birthday were a little scared at first, but like always, you were the biggest, bravest girl and now have the cutest ears around!
You still love riding rides at the Mall of America, so of course that's where we took you to get your ears pierced and to have some fun. You absolutely LOVE the Disney Store and love to go in there each time we're at the mall too, so of course in your adorable Rapunzel dress, we went inside. You told the woman working that it was your birthday and we are so glad you did as they had quite the surprise in store for you...
Your name magically appeared on the big screen and Mickey had a special song for you that he played throughout the entire store. You were so happy and danced for all to see!!!
Outside of your big day, I just can't tell you how much I love to watch you each and every day grow, play, laugh and love. You are the biggest cuddler I know and I think it's safe to say, mommy is your best friend (you tell me multiple times each day!). You are such a lover and when you love, you love hard and I am in such awe of that and hope you don't lose sight of that. You of course always find the good in everything and while you don't know much else, I too hope you don't lose that quality either. You might still be stubborn or even more than you were your first 2 years, but you're a fighter and know what you while at times Mommy goes a little crazy when you're whining, I hope you don't lose sight of your beliefs either...maybe just find a new way to communicate them in this next year of your life, ok?? :)
Mommy is so blessed to call you her daughter and I will never be able to tell you how much I love you. Daddy and I were so lucky to have you and our lives are forever changed. You will always be Mommy's little girl whether you like it or not and while I know it won't always be this way, for now...make sure you continue to tell me out of the blue that you love me and that I'm your best friend because hearing those words each and every day is what makes it so easy for me to get up and get going with my day. You are my sweet girl and I love you to the moon and back times infinity :)
Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Girl! Here's to many more!
Forever loving you,
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