Baby and I went back to see Dr. Colombo this morning...her heartbeat was at a wonderful 136BPM; brought a ginormous smile to my face as always!
Before the doctor came in, I had my BP taken with my favorite nurse Tammy and today for the first time I was a little on the high side at 138/88, so she made me lie on my left side for a few minutes, came back in and when tested again, I was back down to 117/65...PHEW! She said that's just part of my body's way of saying, WE'RE ALMOST DONE AND I'M GOING TO DO THINGS LIKE THIS NOW :)
When Dr. Colombo came in, we discussed how I've been since the preterm labor symptoms and with my abdominal discomfort still going on, she ruled out 5 or 6 things and chalked it up to my IBS, that sadly, I kinda forgot I was diagnosed with last summer. She said that at the end of pregnancy, pressure is unavoidable, however with my IBS, it's like double the dosage for me. She was funny and said, "Kara, if you haven't noticed, you're ALL baby and if you're wondering what that cramping is, well just look down!" :)
No dialation yet, but she did talk about inducing and she said with all I've been through with the kidney stones, IBS symptoms and increased pressures as of late, if the baby doesn't come on her own before 40 weeks, she will most likely induce at 39...YAHOO! I am so ready, but of course, Nate and I just want her to be ok, so if that means going til the end, so be it! It sure is funny how all of a sudden you just wake up one day and realize, you're ready to be a mommy and your ready for this baby to COME OUT :)
We go back next Friday afternoon; we'll start talking about the labor and signs to look for from here on out and the potential induction at that time...we just can't believe that tomorrow, we're 35 weeks and literally have 5 if not 4 weeks left!!!! WOW
June 20th, Nate's Father's Day To Be Present ;) we head to a breast feeding 101 class and then June 25th and 26th, we have our 2 part Lamaze Class...We're looking forward to both of them to really get a sense of what we're about to embark on with birth and all it entails during and after!
Til Next Time...
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