So before I go into the story, I am happy to say, all is OK and Baby Schlieman and Mama are doing well!
Over the past few days, I have had some severe lower abdominal and lower back pain and also been "leaking" a little of what we assumed might be part of the "plug" (ask someone if you don't know what I'm talking about, LOL). I went into work this morning and called our Doctor and after letting them know what was up, they told me to immediately come in so they could check me.
Of course I was a little taken aback by this, but went in with a brave face and prayed for the best. I told Nate not to come up as worried as he was, but was ready to hop in the car at the first call he got if need be down from Stephenville, TX.
Dr. Colombo performed an internal exam and took some of the fluid to test; she wanted to make sure it wasn't from the bag of water, as any leaking of that can be very detrimental to the baby's health from this point on. From what she could tell, things were looking good and thankfully I hadn't begun to dialate or efface, so that was a relief!
She asked me how the baby's movement was doing and I explained to her that I wasn't sure if it was stress or what, but of course over the past day or 2 she wasn't moving like I was used to. At that point, she called for a sonogram to make sure that her amniotic fluid was at a good amount and that all was ok in general for her in there.
SIDE NOTE - Over the past several weeks, we have been made aware that our little baby girl has been transverse, which means sideways in my belly, so getting this sonogram would also confirm that so we knew what all we had to work with as we near the due date.
I had to wait awhile for the sono since I was a work in, but finally got in and the first thing they showed me was that the baby WAS head down...HOORAY!!!!!!!!! She is basically in the fetal position with her little butt on my right side and then her feet pushing through on my left...the one pic of her foot is pretty funny and if you look closely, I think she has Daddy's hammer toe, LOL! You can have anywhere from a 5 to a 20 when it comes to amniotic fluid levels (20 being the best) and I am at a 19, so even better than my doc anticipated.
All in all, we just had a little scare, but we are doing well and home resting today. If I am still having my lower abdominal pain, she wants me to call her tomorrow and then I'll have one more test to check for preterm labor that the naked eye and tests she ran today couldn't point out...so I'm praying that the pain is just from her moving her way down getting ready for her GRAND ENTRANCE! Just like her mama, she has to always make a BIG SCENE :)
(Picture 1 - Her foot pushing on my belly - it's hard to see, but if you look very closely, you can see her whole foot, heel on the far left, arch, ball of the foot and then on the right is a white ball looking thing which is the toe ;) Pictures 2 and 3 - Profile pics- she was sucking her thumb)
good news everything is ok!! and yay shes head down!!