Thursday, May 27, 2010

Another Doctor Visit...

Nate and I headed back to see Dr. Colombo today! Our baby girl is doing great; her HB was at 143BPM and for once she was resting, so the nurse was able to find it easier this time! She is COMPLETELY sideways in my belly and she has been for several weeks now. She's got about 3 more weeks to start turning on her own; if she hasn't turned in 3 weeks or made any progress, they'll do an ultra-sound to see how she's positioned or lodged in there and then determine if we can manipulate the belly with some poking, etc to get her to move :) If she still doesn't turn, then obviously a C-Section delivery would probably be on tap. We are really hoping she'll turn, so we're going to say an extra prayer or 2 to help make that happen.

Aside from that, we're both healthy and doing well! I got my first glimpse of what swollen feet and ankles are like last Friday, or as I call them, 'Club Feet', but it is not too bad and mainly occurs at the end of the day now. I've started to get some lower back and abdominal pain too, but apparently that's all part of the last stretch of pregnancy and nothing to be concerned about! We have 7 weeks to go...I'll be 33 weeks on Saturday and Nate and I are just shocked at where the time has gone. We go back on June 11th for our last 2 week check up, then it's on to the weekly visits...WOW!

We're late on a current belly pic, but my preggo brain left my camera at Tennille's last Sunday when I was back in MN, so once I get it back, we'll take and post a new pic! We have lots of fun pics from both the showers last weekend. THEY WERE TRULY AMAZING!

Kara and Nate

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Baby Doc Update

Mama and Baby Schlieman went back to the doc today for our 2 week check up (Daddy couldn't come because of the time of day) and all is well. She was moving like crazy today, so it was funny to try and catch her heartbeat when all you could hear was her commotion in there :) We finally got it and she was around the high 130's again! I'm measuring perfectly and right on track for weight gain, so I was very happy! We go back on the 27th of May!

I got my doctor's note to come home (feel like a little kid getting a permission slip to fly!) and I can't wait. Nate is bummed he can't be with me for all the festivities next weekend, but he'll be staying busy with walk on tryouts for Tarleton! Baby and I are SO EXCITED to come home and see everyone :)

Til then...

Kara and Nate

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Follow up to Last 4 Week Check up

We are happy to announce Mama Schlieman is free and clear of Gestational Diabetes; we really weren't worried, but you just never know! I still have kidney stones, so apparently someone watching over us thought that was enough for this pregnancy :)