Monday, April 22, 2013

Beautiful Chapstick

I knew I had a girly girl on my hands with all the princess stuff she has fell in love with, but this new found 'passion' has confirmed and taken that girly girl though to a whole new level!!!

She found some of my lipgloss in my purse and calls it her 'beautiful chapstick'! These are a couple pictures from the other night when I gave it to her to keep her busy while me and Daddy finished up our taxes :) Makes the cutest looking joker I've ever seen!

Mackenna's 1st Haircut!!!

Can you believe it?!?! We finally did it and got Mackenna her first haircut...I've wanted to do it for a while, but Daddy just wasn't having it in fear I was going to cut her bangs. I don't know what I finally did to convince him I wouldn't do that, but it worked and Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 was the BIG DAY!

Believe it or not, she was very excited and Pati told me she had talked about it while at daycare that day as well :) When we got there, I don't think she realized what was going to happen, but once she got up in the chair, she was a lil rockstar. Aside from not wanting the apron thing to keep the hair off her clothes (we just said no worries and to toss it aside), she was AMAZING!!!!  She talked to Bob the whole time and was more interested in his toy drawer than what was actually going on.

In my opinion, the best part of this big day was that Bob gave me MY first haircut when I was a little girl too, so it had double meaning for me :) While it's a little bittersweet to see her looking like a little girl now and not a baby, I'm happy to report that she looks much cuter with the curly, fluffy mullet officially gone!

Wiating patiently for her big moment!

The last full shot of the amazing lil mullet!

Getting buckled in :)

Starting the big process :)

And in one cut, the mullet was GONE!

Our big 'little' girl!

Having fun with Bob!

She looks absolutely ADORABLE!!!

Had some ice cream afterwards to celebrate the big occasion - here is a side view of the cut.

Such a sweet girl and now she's definitely not my baby, but an actual girl! Crazy!!!!

Girliest Girl Birthday Party

Mackenna had her lil friend Aidan's 5th birthday party over the weekend and it was about the girliest party I have been to, to date :)

They started out at Godfather's for some yummy pizza and the most adorable little goodie bags and ended with some delicious cupcakes from YUM! So delightful!!!!

Then we headed over to a beauty school for the girls to get their hair, nails and makeup done! They had so much fun and were true lil girls at heart!!! It seemed that my lil lady was growing up right before my own eyes...

Such a big lil girl!

Getting her new haircut all curled and adorable! And she asked for some purple glitter in there too (I'm still trying to wash it out!)

Time for some purple nails!

Love those lil hands!

No makeover is complete without purple eye shadow and a touch of lip gloss!

Kenna and all her lil friends after the beautifying was complete! Such a fun day for my lil lady!