Monday, August 13, 2012

Too Fast to Keep Up!

There has been so much going on lately, it's hard to keep up with all of Mackenna's new words, etc!!!!  Literally almost daily, there is something new - it's been so fun!  She is so conversational and is becoming a lil lady!  Just this morning, she came running out of her room after she picked out the tutu she wanted to wear to Pati's saying, "Daddy, I a pincess!" - since we don't call her our princess, we are guessing she's getting it from the big girls at daycare :) it's so precious!!!!  She twirls and is just in awe of herself - never to early to feel beautiful, right?!

She's a talking machine too - we can basically carry on a conversation with her with minimal HUH's?!?!  This past weekend she starting saying YUP and NOPE and it's so matter-of-fact which is the best part about it.  "Kenna, are you a big girl?" "YUP!" ;) it's awesome

She can count to 10 on her own - well 6 before she gives up, but she's done it before.  And she probably can recognize most of the letters of the alphabet too!  Giving her a bath with her foam letters and numbers is a real treat as she is just so into telling us what she sees - proud parents for sure!

She LOVES pizza and just started saying hot dog instead of da da - and speaking of saying things more clearly, she says, Wiggly now instead of dee dee for Wrigley.

Name recognition is amazing and when we pick her up from Pati's each day, it's been so fun to listen to her tell you who she played with and what she did.  She's even been bringing home pictures each day that she colors which is always a treat for us!

She's into helping out around the house which is never a bad thing for me!  She helps me fold laundry, loves to walk around with the swiffer duster and even helps me pick up and throw things away.  She is very good at handing you your stuff too, so even if I want to put my phone down, she will grab it and say, "Mommy phone" and make sure I get it right back!

Her favorite thing to do each morning is come lay with mommy and daddy in bed before it's time to get going for the day -it's been a fun tradition we are starting.

She also loves to hide!  She may not be the best at it, but we've started to play hide-n-seek too, so we think she'll get better with time. Her favorite spot is right under her blanket!

I know there is much more that I'm missing, but I'll update as I remember more :) let's just say, as I think I've said numerous times before...this is such an amazing age!!!!!!!!! 

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